Erman Saban, born in Macedonia, completed his education in the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Theater and Acting Department in Macedonia. He began his career at the Skopje Turkish Theater. After performing in numerous stage productions, he stepped into cinema with the critically acclaimed Turkish film Takva. On television, he has appeared in several successful productions, including Elveda Rumeli, Muhteşem Yüzyıl, and Hatasız Kul Olmaz.
Erman Saban
Actors & Actresses
Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department of Theater/Acting
Vocational Art High School Department of Painting/Sculpture
Atatürk (2022) | Balkan Ninnisi (2022) | Büyük Sürgün Kafkasya (2014) | Hatasız Kul Olmaz (2014) | Son Yaz Balkanlar (2012) | The Magnificent Century (2011) | Elveda Rumeli (2007)
The Hardest Thing (2019) | Takva (2006)
Vişne Bahçesi (2022) | No Exit/Gizli Oturum (2019) | Üç Kız Kardeş (2018) | Kral Lear (2017) | Pegi Pickit (2016) | İki Efendinin Uşağı (2015) | Bir Yaz Gecesi Rüyası (2015) | Hikayelerde Şekspir (2013) | Arap Gecesi (2010) | Windows 99 (2007) | Gılgamış Destanı (2006) | Çerçevesiz Gökyüzü (2005) | Oidipus Rex (2005)